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Google Insights Day is coming to Poland!

The Google University Programs team is excited to invite you to apply for our upcoming student event in Warsaw. Attendees will catch a rare glimpse behind the scenes at Google, expand their network and prepare for interviews for full time roles at Google in Digital Marketing and Business.

Who can apply?

  • This event is open to all higher education students who are interested in pursuing a full time position at Google, are graduating in 2020 or have graduated in 2018 or 2019 and are fluent in English and Polish.

When is the event?

  • Fri, Feb. 28, 2020 (all day)

Where is the event?

  • Google Warsaw

When is the application deadline?

  • Monday, Feb. 10, 2020 (midnight Polish time)


**Selected participants will be emailed in February with next steps and logistical details. Google will reimburse travel and expenses to selected participants if not based in Warsaw.