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[et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]Last week, during our new office’s inauguration in France, we had the pleasure to welcome our school partners from the Lille area: EDHEC Business School, IÉSEG School of Management, and SKEMA Business School. Our presence in France is a strategic decision to further support the French schools in the EFMD Global Network.

A big thanks to Geraldine Krempa, Bérangère Deregnaucourt, Audrey Beaugrand, Anaïs Rolos, Alejandra López Martín, Yohann BERREBY and Pauline MROZINSKI who were able to join.

This inauguration resonates with all our networks in France, which triggered warming messages from other schools that could not be present. We look forward to having Highered represented and tied closely to the French schools and companies. We are always listening closely to the EFMD members to continue building the best CMS system and offering for the network, and this is one step that will help us achieve just that.

Book a call with Perrine here.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]