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This year, the Graduate Management Admission Council®, together with Highered, MBA CSEA and EFMD, join forces to sponsor the annual Corporate Recruiters Survey – collecting data from hundreds of employers around the world about 2018 hiring outcomes, 2019 hiring expectations, internship plans, international hiring, and skills. By participating, your school will receive a complete benchmark report of the full survey findings, configurable by region and industry.

We encourage your business school to participate in this survey by signing up by 1 February at:

The GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey Report offers a unique view of the current hiring outlook for graduate business students. Findings analyse demand for business school graduates by industry and world region, salaries, job functions, and mobility in regional job placement. Insights into company hiring plans, compensation trends, and regional job placement are especially important, as employment outcomes are a top factor driving prospective students’ decisions to pursue a graduate management education.

For the 2018 edition, there are two easy ways to participate:

  • Option 1: GMAC administers the survey to your employers directly. Your school provides GMAC with a list of employer contacts, including name, email address, and company name. GMAC sends the survey invitation and follow-up messages to employers.
  • Option 2: Your school administers the survey. GMAC will provide your school with suggested survey and reminder emails, and a generic school-level URL. Your school will invite your employers to participate in the survey directly.

Sign up your school to participate anytime from now until February 1st, 2019 to be sure your school hears from the employers that recruit your students about their hiring projections and the skills they seek in business grads. The survey launches for employers on February 6th, 2019.

Results of the 2019 Corporate Recruiters Survey are reported in aggregate, and will not be associated with individual employers or individual schools. We will not share employer email addresses with any third party at any time, for any reason, or use employer email addresses in the future without first asking for permission. To review GMAC’s privacy policy, go to


For more information, visit, or contact GMAC Research at

The survey is conducted by GMAC in partnership with EFMD and the MBA Career Services & Employer Association (MBA CSEA).