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Participate as an employer


We invite you to participate in our upcoming Virtual Career Fair, which is exclusively focused on the finance, banking, and consulting industries. This is a unique opportunity for you to connect with some of the most talented and motivated candidates wanting to work in this industry.

By participating in our Virtual Career Fair, you'll have access to a wide range of top early talent who are actively looking for opportunities within this industry. You'll be able to showcase your company, your open positions, and your unique culture to potential candidates. You can chat with them in real-time, answer their questions, and get to know them better. It's a excellent opportunity to start building your talent pipeline.

Our Virtual Career Fair is designed to be easy and convenient for you. You can participate from anywhere, using our user-friendly online platform. You'll have access to a variety of tools to help you manage your recruiting efforts and to connect with potential candidates.

10 May 2023

Register as a student/alumni

Participate as an employer